IEP – Portuguese Electrotechnical Institute is a company with deep roots founded in 1981 and acknowledged in the market as a technological platform of innovation, competence and quality. It provides integrated solutions for several operational sectors, including Inspection, Audit, Tests, Calibration, Oil & Gas, Environment, Transportation, Industry, Healthcare and Services.
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IEP Group also owns A. Jorge Lima, Lda, a well known company in the fields of non-destructive testing and welding.
CINEL - Professional Training Centre for Electronics, Energy, TelecommunicationsandInformationTechnology Industrieswas founded in 1985 by ANIMEE - Portuguese Association for Electric and Electronic Companies and IEFP – Employment and Professional Training Institute.
It provides high quality services to companies and individuals in qualification, professional training and certification domains in fields such as electronics, robotics, renewable energies, telecommunications, networks, and information technologies (IT) and systems.
CIP – Confederation of Portuguese Business CIP is a strong and wide-ranging employer’s association, firmly committed to champion progress and well-being. It represents more than 150 000 enterprises in Portugal. Its Associates include companies, regional and sectoral associations and all chambers of industry and commerce in Portugal.
CIP aims to be the spokesman of its members before the main political, economic and social portuguese institutions, making sure portuguese enterprises’ voice is heard, regardless its size or specific sector of activity. ANIMEE is a CIP’s affiliated member.
APCER - Portuguese Association for Certification focuses in certification of Management Systems, Services, Products and People in order to ensure quality and provide competitive advantage to public or private entities, both national or international. Although specialized in areas such as climate change, IT security or supply chain, APCER delivers value-added solutions in any industry.
CERTIF – Association for Certification is a portuguese certification body accredited by IPAC (Portuguese Institute for Accreditation) for ISO/IEC 17021-1 and EN ISO/IEC 17065 to certification of several management systems. CERTIF acts in areas such as construction, electrical, energy, and telecommunications. CERTIF is also signatory of several International and European Mutual Recognition Agreements, namely the ones for the electrical sector. ANIMEE is a CERTIF’s affiliated member.
Voltimum is the outcome of a partnership among several european producers of the electric sector, who got together to foster the exchange of information among sector players through the creation of a portal dedicated to electrical installation. Active in and adapted to portuguese market since 2008, Voltimum Portugal has ANIMEE’s support and associates such as ABB and Schneider Electric among its founders.
LIP is the reference institution for research in the experimental particle physics and related technologies in Portugal. Created in 1986, its researchers develop new instruments and methods which also apply to other domains, namely health care technologies, space exploration and information technology. Lisbon’s lab has technological skill of reference and a wide set of scientific and computing infrastructures (digital electronics, optical fibers, medical physics). ANIMEE is a LIP’s partner.